Thursday, March 1, 2012

Update on Life

So I never use this blog, as I am sure you have noticed. I usually just post what I think to Facebook. However, I have deactivated my Facebook account until the end of term so I can focus on my homework more. But, HA! I found a way to Cyberly express myself anyway! The internet is great like that.

New things going on:
1. I am super addicted to Glutino's gluten-free chocolate-covered pretzels. Soooooo yummy!
2. I got this awesome armchair from a friend. It's old and green and super comfy. I would really rather never leave this chair. And yes, I am currently sitting in it as I type this up.
3. I am constantly on my other blog . If you ever need a laugh, just read the blog :)
4. Listening to classical music on Pandora while studying seriously speeds up the process. I have accomplished so much between suspending my Facebook account and listening to classical music.
5. My computer crashed. I lost all my photos :( and I have a new computer. It has an i7 processor so it's super fast.

Yep, that pretty much covers it... does anybody read this blog anyway?

1 comment:

  1. Whenever I write the question of "is anyone reading this?" I usually don't get a response. So I am responding to let you know I am reading.
