Monday, March 19, 2012

First Day Back

First day back to real life from spring break and I was reminded of something: I LOVE SCHOOL! I am so happy to be there! Breaks are nice, but work is better :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Some Chalk Art at the Park

My friends and I drew this in an arroyo today. Super scientifically and mathematically incorrect, but it sure looks cool.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

There is beauty all around, when there's food at home..

Have you ever heard

the saying, "that's what you get for trying to do something nice!" Today was one of those days I really understood that.
My sister is pet sitting for her friend, but she got invited to go to one of her favorite places overnight, so I thoughtfully volunteered to take care of the pets the evening she was gone as well as the following morning. The evening went fine; I let all the dogs inside and went home.
This morning was a lot trickier. I let all the dogs out and filled their food and water dishes. They completely ignored my kind gesture and followed me around the yard instead of going to eat. Then I moved on to feeding the cats. I got a big scoop of their food, and then remembered that their enclosure was locked with a combination lock. It took me several minutes to see how it worked-- I'm super bad at figuring out combination locks. As I was messing with all the numbers, the little dogs came and started chowing down on the cat food I had set down! Forget about the dog food I had already put out for them; just eat all the cat food!
My apologies to any animal lovers I may have offended with this post... I am not among you.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break is Upon Us and....

Yeah, I'm just sitting here doing homework. Geography homework. And a lot of it. I am pretty sure after this week I will know so much about Africa that my head will just explode. We shall see.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Update on Life

So I never use this blog, as I am sure you have noticed. I usually just post what I think to Facebook. However, I have deactivated my Facebook account until the end of term so I can focus on my homework more. But, HA! I found a way to Cyberly express myself anyway! The internet is great like that.

New things going on:
1. I am super addicted to Glutino's gluten-free chocolate-covered pretzels. Soooooo yummy!
2. I got this awesome armchair from a friend. It's old and green and super comfy. I would really rather never leave this chair. And yes, I am currently sitting in it as I type this up.
3. I am constantly on my other blog . If you ever need a laugh, just read the blog :)
4. Listening to classical music on Pandora while studying seriously speeds up the process. I have accomplished so much between suspending my Facebook account and listening to classical music.
5. My computer crashed. I lost all my photos :( and I have a new computer. It has an i7 processor so it's super fast.

Yep, that pretty much covers it... does anybody read this blog anyway?